Bird Behavior Walk
March 29, 2025 8:30 AM –10:30 AM
Bird Behavior Walk1699 Mt. Sharp Rd.
Wimberley, Texas 78676
Join Travis Audubon for a delightful bird walk at Jacob’s Well Natural Area! Wendy, your trip guide, is fascinated with bird behavior, so we’ll take time to observe and discuss behavior as we encounter it.
Jacob's Well Natural Area features a unique habitat surrounding the iconic artesian spring, which feeds Cypress Creek and supports a diverse range of bird species. As we explore the lush landscapes and serene waters, keep an eye out for various birds, including sparrows, native woodland birds, and the chance migrant that visit. Multiple ecosystems are represented at this park, including mixed Oak/Juniper forest, Savannah/Prairie areas, as well as an Aquatic/Riparian zone.
Registration required. This event is free and limited to 15 registrants.
Jacob’s Well Natural Area
Jacobs Well is an artisan spring that releases thousands of gallons of water a day. It stays a constant temperature of 68 degrees and is the second largest fully submerged cave in…